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A builder-like pattern is used to construct an instance of HttpResponse. HttpResponse provides several methods that return a HttpResponseBuilder instance, which implements various convenience methods for building responses.

Check the documentation for type descriptions.

The methods .body, .finish, and .json finalize response creation and return a constructed HttpResponse instance. If this methods is called on the same builder instance multiple times, the builder will panic.

JSON Response

The Json type allows to respond with well-formed JSON data: simply return a value of type Json<T> where T is the type of a structure to serialize into JSON. The type T must implement the Serialize trait from serde.

For the following example to work, you need to add serde to your dependencies in Cargo.toml:

serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

Using the Json type this way instead of calling the .json method on a HttpResponse makes it immediately clear that the function returns JSON and not any other type of response.

Content encoding

Ntex can automatically compress payloads with the Compress middleware. The following codecs are supported:

  • Brotli
  • Gzip
  • Deflate
  • Identity

A response's Content-Encoding header defaults to ContentEncoding::Auto, which performs automatic content compression negotiation based on the request's Accept-Encoding header.

Explicitly disable content compression on a handler by setting Content-Encoding to an Identity value:

When dealing with an already compressed body (for example, when serving pre-compressed assets), set the Content-Encoding header on the response manually to bypass the middleware: